
I loved your class today that was focused on breathing. YOU are my reset button and I feel renewed after each class. I will go to sleep tonight doing my breathing after my prayers of gratitude and a smile in my heart. 

I am so thankful that you are here for us—and my tightened body is extremely thankful:) 

Sweet dreams my beautiful friend????


Good afternoon Vero,

I wanted to share some news with you.  I just got the results of my bone density back.  The diagnosis as usual is mild osteopenia, however what is most important is the following numbers when comparing 2018 report with the current 2020.

3% increase in bone density in lumbar spine  (thank you for dog pose and cat –cow)

1% increase density in the left hip  (all those lizard poses, etc.)

3% increase density in the right hip

Here I am about to celebrate my 80th birthday, and the numbers are getting better………I know it’s due chiefly to my regular 5 day (Sunday still a challenge) a week VeroYoga practice…..

So I want to thank you with all  my heart for being my inspiration, motivator and compassionate teacher.

 Thank you with all my heart,


Sandra Goldestein


 ¡Que Dios te bendiga a ti y a todos los tuyos! Gracias por cada una de tus maravillosas clases online! Dios te ha dado un regalo super especial de sanar 

No puedo expresar con palabras el bien que me hacen tus clases, tus mensajes, frases y afirmaciones! 


Un abrazo!


Dear Vero,

I  want to thank you because my meetings online with you doing yoga, have transformed the Covid experience in a much more pleasant journey for me, and also helped to unite my family not only during the first months when we were all living together in Mexico, but also now that Valeria has returned in NYC. When I am asked about this Covid moment I always mention VeroYoga  as a treasured gift amidst lots of adversities.

Thank you for being there everyday with all your heart.


 Michela Germoni 

Veronica—I love the classes as-is! I feel a subtle but real improvement in the openness of my chest, my balance, my lung capacity (!) when I do sprints during my sunrise and sunset walks…and yes, my serenity. I love the ease of doing six days a week of classes-not just one or two—right from my own apt, without having to go anywhere or be concerned that I am intruding on another’s space, to get a quick drink of water in the middle from the glass near my mat, to use a chair or prop easily. I do what I can, stretching myself to do more.

I hope you are recording this series for your “Vero Archives.” I also hope that as a sunbird (staying until May 6th at least this year on the Key) when I return to Pittsburgh you will make available streaming classes so I can continue to follow you all year round. I am suspecting there are many others who would benefit from and appreciate this too. Something to contemplate just in case you are not already there… (which you may be.)

Lots of love and gratitude


Vero, your online classes are so much fun. They feel good, your voice is so peaceful, and your love shines through the screen. My special friend, thank you for helping us stay sane. Big hug.  


Dear Vero, Thank you for showing the positive breathing and incorporating breathing techniques today.  It makes a noticeable difference.  I think it helped me practice the harder poses with more ease and calm.  

Maybe it is the breathing, or maybe it is regular practice, but I feel much more clear headed and less anxious.  




Hi Veronica –

First, thank you so much for holding the online yoga classes.  Your Gentle Yoga classes have been fantastic.  

After years of working with computers & sitting at a desk, I have been experiencing issues with my lower back & right arm/shoulder. Already just after 4 classes I can feel my lower back stronger with less tension.  I cannot thank you enough for this!!!  As long as you keep offering Gentle Yoga classes online, I will participate.  For me, these classes have been the best thing to come from the shelter-in-place orders.  



 Vero! This online access to you has been life affirming me and has helped buoyed my spirit and my energy so much.  Thanks also to you and your team for guiding me through the set up and beyond.

With gratitude 


Dearest Veronica: 

I am so glad to be back with my Vero Yoga Family!!! I already feel better physically, and I also thank you for your wonderful guidance and for inspiring me

With all my love 


Hi Veronica, 

Just to let you know, my husband Andy is still doing the VeroYoga deep breathing practices,  daily and sometimes twice a day.

I am totally amazed that he’s taken to it like a fish in water. I had asked him to please try it dozens of times in the past, to no avail. But now he totally enjoys the online yoga sessions and finds it so very beneficial. He told me he respects your professionalism and knowledge and finds your voice very soothing.

Thank you so very much, With love and gratitude,❤️ 


 Vero ! Gracias! Que maravilla comenzar los días con tus clases, con tu vos y tu bella energía!!! 

Estoy disfrutando muchísimo cada una de tus clases online, y como una cebolla aflorando 🙂 y soltando … 


Dear Vero

Just wanted to share that—at least for me—it works wonderfully to participate in your online classes daily that have alternating levels of difficulty. It keeps me practicing when I otherwise might take a day off but having the gentler class for a bit of a break in between the ones that are more challenging for me!

I think everyone in my family is likely sick of hearing me rave about how much I am valuing your classes, especially now…but also comment on how well Helane/Mom is finding positivity in the current situation and encouraging others to do so. I credit our daily VeroYoga practices infused with your life coaching tips as a major factor here.

So:thank you, thank you, thank you!! – Xo Linzer (who is working on softening her neck and shoulders..: )

Xo Linzer

Thank you VeroYoga, I enjoyed your classes very much last week.  I will try to organize myself better this week, so I do not miss any of the classes.  It is hard sometimes to find a quiet place at home with the family members working and studying from home.  But I want to thank you for giving us this space that is so important to be able to keep up during these hard times.  Warm Regards, 


I am just grateful that you have provided this amazing yoga practice online for all of us.  It has helped me tremendously, especially during this time of uncertainty.  I have so much gratitude and blessings, thank you for reminding me.  See you tomorrow on the screen, have a beautiful day! love, Ortega


Dear Vero, You are teaching calm and gratitude…and …We are full of calm and gratitude!???? 


Thank you Veronica.  I very much enjoyed the first class – you are just as dynamic and uplifting on screen! Looking forward to Sunday! Un abrazo 


Our Cats say Thumbs Up to your cat Bubbles at today’s online practice ???? ! 


Vero, Thank you once again for an amazing class and your beautiful message at the end of our practice.  Looking forward to your class tomorrow, have a beautiful day. Namste???? 


 Thanks for doing the online classes.   Wonderful to have VeroYoga every day! 

Andrea R.

Thank you, Vero, for doing this, I feel so much better.  Namaste???????? 


Vero ! These trouble times have given me the opportunity to practicing yoga with you again. I feel fortunate to be able to do this online from another country (Italy). Namaste.


Que regalo ???? tan bello Vero poder hacer todos los días tus clases de VeroYoga online desde Republica Dominicana! Gracias ???????? – 

Alejandra V

What a WONDERFUL Class! Thank you sooooo much dear Vero! Looking forward to seeing you again on Thursday!!!


 Vero, BRAVO! You did it! Thank you so much for providing these online classes for us devotees : ) It was wonderful. Have a healthy, wonderful sunshine-filled day….


 Hola Vero, He disfrutado muchísimo la clase online de hoy. Muchísimas gracias de nuevo


 Dear Vero,Thank you for the gift of today’s streaming class—I was so happy to be able to follow along.Thank you!


Thank you again for having this livestreaming yoga classes for us Veronika. You are really ahead of the game for offering this to us during this tumultuous time. We all desperately need our remarkable shavasana with you.


Hola Vero.  Muchas gracias por la clase!!, Estuvo buenísima. ¡GRACIAS ¡


Vero, muchísimas gracias por darnos vida y apoyo durante estos momentos con tus bellísimas palabras y súper clases de YouTube! 


Dearest Vero! your online class was a fantastic “production”

Was good to see you; I’m so glad I signed up and sorry I missed the first two weeks. 


Hi Veronica: Last night I purchased yoga nidra and followed your guided meditation.  I’ve been suffering from insomnia for many months… last night it was lovely; I was able to fall asleep for a long time.

P.S. I so much enjoyed today’s online class!


 Vero, Thank you again for an amazing online class.  Being a part of your practice has been so beneficial especially during this Pandemic Crisis. I too believe this is a time for cleansing of our planet, ourselves and hope for positive change. 

Have a beautiful Friday! Namaste????❤ Love, ????


Dear Veronica,

The yoga has become indispensable for me at this time and while I still struggle with some of the asanas, I am imbued with hope that I am benefitting greatly nevertheless as a result of your consistent encouragement on the importance of the intentional breathing.  The proof of the pudding is the fact that after the class, I am much more energized and calmer.

That being said, do you take on students that have not previously attended your class? If so, let me know if I can just forward your weekly signup emails to any of my friends who may be interested, or how would you prefer I handle it.

Thank you for all you and your team do for all of us.  I will see you in yoga……….Big Hug 


 Querida Vero, 

Gracias por tu mensaje que me trae alegría. La última sesión que tuvimos fue muy emotiva para mí, y me trajo muchos recuerdos de mi niñez y de épocas muy felices.

Te agradezco yo a ti por el cariño que me brindas y el apoyo incondicional permanente. Y en estas épocas difíciles e inciertas, me levantas el ánimo y especialmente la autoestima.

Un abrazo muy fuerte para ti, deseándote salud, y fuerza para continuar apoyándonos a todos en el momento que más lo necesitamos. 


Thank you so much for the classes that you do online! They’re always inspiring and uplifting! Love


Today, I am grateful for you and your online yoga classes. They have helped me mentally and physically.   Thank you for doing the online classes and for your advice. Adam 


 Thanks so much for explaining everything.  The classes are opening the right spots gradually. So much so that I passed your promo to other friends. 

Thanks again. 

Salina Jivani

 Hi Veronica,

I looked forward to today’s class(and needed it so badly).  I was as tight as a knot after a shortened nights sleep.

I am now so-o relaxed, full of gratitude and realize that I’m right where I am supposed to be. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking such loving care of us.

Thank you again for a beautiful start to the day, I cannot believe how relaxed my “whole body:) feels after being so tight from head to toe.




Thank you once again for an amazing yoga experience.  What a great topic for this week, “Letting Go”.

Have a beautiful day!????



Dear Vero , 

Thank you for today’s class. I loved, loved, loved your class!!!

It was so soothing to see you and hear your voice. It was exactly what my body needed today. I subscribed to your channel and put a thumbs up.:)) 

As always, you also looked amazing and I forgot how flexible you are! … your flexibility reminded me to continue trying. 

It made my heart smile and reminded me how difficult it is for me to accept the warrior sequence. :)) Today I choose “to let go” of my resistance to the warrior sequence.

Love you tons Vero and see you again Thursday! 



 Hola Vero soy Mónica de Lima, Perú.  Me fascinan tus clases virtuales, ojalá puedas seguir ofreciendo clases online una vez que pase este tema del coronavirus . 

Al igual que yo, asumo que habrán otras personas que no viven en Miami y quisieran continuar haciendo yoga contigo.

Por favor considera seguir teniendo clases online para los que no podemos tener el privilegio de estar en Key Biscayne contigo todo el año.



Thank you so much for today. I feel so renewed!  I am already looking forward for the next class. I won’t miss it! – Katie

40) Thank you for another amazing class of resilience and strength, great way to start this past week. I so much loved the three affirmations and the quote from Charles Darwin!  Looking forward to our next class on “resilience” this Sunday. 



Good Afternoon Vero,

 Your effort to exercise mind, body, and soul during the 1.5 hours is showing results in my life, body, mind and spirit.  Thank you for planning classes so wisely, improve the execution by showing different angles, and constant guidance through the practice so mind and body are always working together to MAXMIZE each moment so that lesson learned now can be practiced during the day.  All this without breaking a sweat.  Now you see why I think I have the best yoga teacher 🙂 


Salina Jivani

Hello Vero !!!

 Thank you for the class, It was amazing . 

 I love, love, love this GENTLE class.  This class is a perfect awakening in the morning for me.

 Is it possible to gift classes to my friends Internationally and locally?  

I love you !!!!!

Claudia Defortuna

Veroooo !!!!

I am trying to take care of myself and I always remember your motivating words when I feel blue.

 Today your words and affirmations were so uplifting…

 “I am at peace with the past, content with my present, and optimistic about my future”

 Thank you !!

Gaby Perez

Vero ! Thank you eternally for all the online classes. They’ve been more helpful than I ever could have imagined. 

Annie Thompson

Dear Veronica,  I want to thank you again for putting these classes together. INNER PEACE is my favorite theme.  I feel a different person after a month and a half of Vero Yoga! I hope with all my heart you might consider continuing on line classes. Are you thinking about it at all?

 With love

Martine Pauline

 Hola Vero,

Quería decirte que la clase de hoy estuvo lindisima. Era justo lo que necesitaba. Desde el movimiento físico hasta el movimiento energético psicoemotional gracias a tus palabras que eran muy precisas y preciosas!

Un abrazo,

Thank you for caring. 


Hi Veronica,

Thank you so much for your yoga classes and for WOHASU. Even though we have only met a few times, I feel like you have made a big impact in my yoga practice. I’m still new to yoga having only started about two years ago. I love yoga but lately I felt like I was going through the motions here in California. I really appreciate the alignment corrections and advice (especially with aligning my head during twists and keeping my spine straight in downward dog) that you gave me because it helped me get “unblocked”. I also practice your technique for deep yogic breathing, it really does work! I really enjoyed WOHASU, I actually sat next to Suzie Pileggi Pawelski for most of the conference and had a nice chat with her about her career as a writer. I read Mo Gawdat’s book and found it helpful. I look forward to attending your yoga classes again when I visit Key Biscayne.



Querida Vero!!!

No hay palabras suficientes para agradecerte todo ????  tu acompañamiento durante estas semanas.. realmente ha sido espectacular! Gracias por todas tus palabras, mensajes, consejos y bellísimas afirmaciones… Te quería comentar que me encanta como has dedicado cada semana y me siento como una cebolla ???? que va aflojando .  MUCHAS GRACIAS !

Un abrazo ???? 



Dear Vero, 

Thank you so much. I am so grateful to you, I know how hard you’re working to offer the online yoga classes.  My daily yoga class sustains me and provides me with the strength to withstand any challenge.  I am grateful. It means all the world, thank you . 

Serena Silverstain 

Vero ! Thank you for supporting our wellbeing during this time!  I have benefited tremendously from your classes.

In gratitude,


Hola Vero!

 Acabo de hacer mi clase online, que felicidad!  Me siento tanto mejor!  Sos impresionante.  Cada palabra que decis, el tono de tu voz, la sensibilidad, todo me nutre y me llena.  Sos lo maximo!

 Gracias por ayudarme.


 Hi Vero, PLEASE consider  continuing the online class even if the gym opens up.  It will be safe and consistent, I like the flexibility and safety of practicing at home. Also, it allows me to work and continue my yoga classes.  By the way, the neck and ankle injury is slowly healing because of your classes 🙂 

Javina Sloan

Hello Vero,
I enjoyed today’s class.  I learn something from each class.  Even though it is sometimes an effort to keep up, I persevere.  Each time, though, I can find a small opening which feels like a break through.  Thanks so much for continuing to give us this opportunity.  It feels as though I am having a private with you.

Much love and gratitude,


 Hola Vero !  La clase de hoy fue formidable.  Me cambio la vida, el dia, la química. 

 Gracias Vero por darnos tanto


55) Hi Vero,

 My sister, Carolien, has been practicing with you for the last few weeks from Las Vegas.  I wanted to tell you how much she is benefitting and how your classes are helping her in her cancer recovery.

You have a powerful gift that touches many people.  I thank you for being here and helping guide all of us.

 I’m looking forward to practicing on Sunday!

Lots of love,


 Gracias Vero por la clase tan linda de hoy. Coda tuna de tus palabras es un regalo, un nutriente.


Hi Vero,  Thank you for making your classes online more accessible.  Each week has been an amazing journey and this week is exactly what I needed to work on, “mindfulness”.  

Have a beautiful rest of the day

Love, ????❤


 Gracias Vero!!!!

Tus clases me están ayudando tanto en todo los aspectos, me siento más presente, más viva y con más paz!  

Gracias ???? de todo corazón ???? 


 I’m speechless for your generosity Vero, gracias.  Yo quisiera comprar un gift certificate para una amiga que quiero pruebe tus clases.
Tus palabras en cada clase son mi misa!
Un abrazo grande. 


 Great class today Vero! I loved it.  YOU ARE THE BEST AT WHAT YOU DO ! 

Steven Minor Jr.

 I loved it and it kicked my butt today on Level 2 class!!!  I miss your practices… it’s always so cool to do variations of surya namaskar… the Shivananda style is awesome – 🙂  …And the reading at the end was lovely.

Much love Vero.  This is a magical time of transformation for us all and it is so important to have our steady guides continue to light the path.  I will sign up for a gentle class too!

 xoxox yours,


Querida Vero! Muchísimas gracias ???? !
Profundamente agradecida de tu espectacular acompañamiento,  durante todas estas semanas, ha sido una experiencia muy bella e interesante ???? abriendo y liberando…

Te mando un fuerte abrazo ???? y muchas bendiciones para ti y todos los tuyos!

 Gracias ???? de todo ????   



Dear Vero! Gracias por esta oportunidad de: healing us! Me están ayudando muchísimo tus clases, lo veo y siento cada semana!!!!! En todas las áreas de mi vida, física, mental, emocional y espiritualmente!



 Dear Veronica,

Just a short note to let you know how grateful and fortunate I am to see and hear you daily.

Your words are the main reason (along with my prayers), that I’m staying strong. I have become the rock for my husband the past many months. We are making progress to his anxiety which basically has never happened before. 

One of the benefits from our virtual class with you is that I feel like I’m having a private class with you. I have improved with so many of the yoga poses.

I am sure that you are helping many, many others 

but I just wanted to let you know what a joy you are

each morning and say THANK YOU❤️!


Vero ! Te cuento que por fin logre hacer casi toda tu clase de hoy domingo …a las que antes le tenia miedo..….todavía algunas poses no puedo para  nada, como las de la pared  …pero poco a poco las iré explorando! 

Profundamente agradecida por todas tus palabras, afirmaciones y por cada una de estas bellísimas clases! GRACAS!!!

 With LOVE,


 Hi Vero just a note to thank you for sticking with  your online classes.. It has helped me structure my work-play-covid balance schedule.  Love you tons 


Vero, I love your online classes! They have helped me change my life! THank you so much for this, I really appreciate it.  

Steven Minor

Dear Vero : 

You’re the guiding light for so many during the good days and even more so  these challenging ones. You always bring a message that uplifts the soul and soothes the worries. ❤️  Everyday your directions for healthy moving are with me..Yoga is moving energy, open your heart, lift your chest, squeeze shoulder blades together, maximizes it, squeeze your lungs. And then there are the affirmations that reach far beyond the body into my soul. Thank you for all you do to bring wellness, peace and balance to my life. 

I am blessed but Feel even more aware when I’ve practiced with you. 

May you stay well and safe. 

I thank you for inspiring me with your insights and thoughtful, generous guidance. 

Jane DeGuzman

Vero, I appreciate your doing the on-line classes.  I like that I can do them until 10pm.  It would be great to be able to do a Gentle class every day, even if it is a repeat.  Thank you so much for streaming the classes and for the coaching points.  You have made the pandemic more bearable.  Love, 


Hello Veronica,

Your classes are great and I really enjoy them, they have  positively impacted my overall well being.    I have been practicing yoga (with breaks and pauses) for more than 20 years and your approach is unique and really speaks to me.  I felt more benefit in a short time with your classes, than I have in years past.  Previously, my preference has been ashtanga practice.

Much love. Namaste,


 I am thankful that you have been offering online classes during the pandemic!!!  Do you plan to continue offering online recorded classes once everything opens?  I would love to continue my practice with you.   You are without a doubt the best instructor I have ever had !!!  Thank you for bringing online classes to your subscribers.  It has been wonderful! 

 Take care, stay safe and be well!


My beautiful and kind Vero,
Your online classes are amazing, and I am enjoying them so much. I sincerely think it’s a blessing to have a little of you online. I have adapted perfectly, except for not having you in person to share special times.

Lots of love, hugs, and kisses,


Dear Vero~
Thank you for all your continuing love to me, to us all. You continue to be a true inspiration. The streaming classes are such a gift !  

With wishes for your continued health and safety, Vero~


Dearest Vero!!!

Thank youuuuu!

Your classes are helping me in so many ways!! your advice, affirmations and all the breathings..

Thank you ???? ????

Much ???? 


Vero ! 

Great class today! Thank you so much for my subscription, it’s the best thing that’s happened to me since quarantine began! 

❤️ ❤️❤️????‍♂️????‍♂️????‍♂️

 Steven M. 

Hi Veronica, 

It’s not by chance that I now have you as my life coach as well as my yoga teacher during the most uncertain time of my life. The strength that I receive from reading your blog about uncertainty,  and hearing you encouragement each morning is NOT BY CHANCE. With your help I will embrace the challenge.

Thank you so very much 



You are the absolute best and most inspiring teacher.   Thank you !

Wendy M.

 Querida Vero, 

No encuentro palabras para expresar como tus clases de yoga durante estos meses me han ayudado….Gracias de todo corazón!

 Un fuerte abrazo con todo cariño y profundamente agradecida por todo Vero!


Veronica!  I wanted to say a special thank you for ten years of VeroYoga.  I can still remember the quiet Sunday morning in September of 2010 when I walked over to the Dojo to try your class.  I returned two hours later feeling like I had just crossed paths with a 5’3” tornado 😉 I was hooked and I didn’t have to sign up for a retreat or get on a plane or do much of anything for that experience- it was right across the street!

Thank you for all you bring to our extraordinary island home.

 With love and gratitude,


Dear Vero, 

Just a quick note to say what an important part of this pandemic year you’ve been, providing calm and strength throughout. Thank you! I–assuredly with so many others–am so grateful. 

 Lots of love,

Helane Linzer

Me siento la mujer y amiga más afortunada del mundo, por cumplir un nuevo año unidas, tu trajiste el yoga a mi vida en un momento vital, gracias por haber sido compasiva con mis dolores y por el alivio de la práctica. Te quiero mucho Verónica, te deseo junto a tu súper equipo de vida y trabajo, solo lo mejor que Dios disponga en 2021. Bendiciones de colores, 

viviana boix

Querida Vero, 

 Gracias por estos magníficos meses de Yoga semanal y por tu acompañamiento…por todo tu amor y el cariño que siento a través de la pantalla del ordenador…te agradezco de todo corazón! 

Este ha sido una bendición inmensa y me ha ayudado muchísimo…en todoooooooo!!!!! y puedo seguir…….por horas ya que desde marzo has sido un periodo increíble! 

Te escribo para desearte una FELIZ NAVIDAD y para desearte todo lo mejor para el 2021! 

Un abrazo,

Maria Alejandra Viloria

Vero querida,

Tu sabes cuanto te aprecio y cuanto me he fortalecido y empoderado gracias a tu dedicación, compromiso y gran corazón!!! La palabra “Gracias” es insuficiente para expresar verdaderamente lo que te quiero y he logrado con tu ayuda.

Te quiero muchoooooo


Dear Vero,

I know how hard you and your team have been working to produce these beneficial and inspiring online classes. I want to keep up my practice while you are away so I’ve  already purchased  a gentle yoga class from Vimeo.

 Thank you for all that you do for everyone.



 Thank you for helping me stay mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually healthy.  I’m looking forward to our journey through the chakras!

Un abrazo fuerte,




Rent your favorite VeroYoga class anytime – Online or In Person Life Coach & Relationship Coach – Workshops – Media Interviews – Motivational Speaker – Corporate Wellness Webinars – College Webinars. Yoga Therapy – Yoga for Pregnancy – Yoga for Athletes – Yoga for the Elderly – Yoga for the Blind – Yoga for Kids/Teens – Yoga for Apnea Divers – Chakra Work – Health Coach – Private Yoga Classes. 

VeroYoga 2023 – Key Biscayne, FL 
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